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Monday, October 6, 2008

New Floor Photos!

Okay, Thursday night we hauled everything out of the office and ripped out the carpet. I took this picture on Friday morning before we left to go pick up the planks:

I'm skipping some of the in-between shots but here is Brian working on the most difficult part of the floor. Everything went pretty smooth until we got to the doorway with it's weird cuts:

We had to bring in some professional help...

And this is how the room looked when we finished it - trim and all - late Saturday night!

We're pretty proud of ourselves and I have to admit the floors look more gorgeous than I thought they would. This photo shows the color and variation pretty accurately. We got all the furniture moved back in and it looks like a whole new room! It's nice to have all the hurricane/baby daze/vinyl/craft clutter gone. :)

Brian says that he would do it again. I don't know if I agree. The bickering about whose math and cut angles were more off was enough to convince me to not do a big flooring project together again. Better left to the guys in my opinion! LOL!

1 comment:

MaryAnn said...

It looks beautiful in the picture...probably even better in person. Way to go, both of you!!!