I haven't been blogging at all and since Brian keeps asking me about it, this post is for him! Here is what we have been up to lately:
Hybrid Night: Tuesday night I had several friends over to show them how ridiculously easy it is to assemble hybrid signs. Everyone went home with directions on how to do the project in photoshop, links to my favorite sites and a cute little completed sign of their own. Needless to say it sparked everyone's interest. We're doing another hybrid night Thursday June 12 at 8 pm at my house for anyone who wants to learn!
Aiden Stories: Oh, the stories I could tell. Let's start with the funniest! Aiden doesn't wave bye-bye. He doesn't make animal sounds, he refuses to identify parts of the face and he looks at me blankly when I repeat "please" and "thank you". But he does say "awesome" very, very frequently, which sounds amazingly like "a** hole". He'll drop his A-bomb at the most random moments - like during library story time in front of two dozen other neighborhood mommies - and I'm getting good about cheerfully (read: loudly) repeating "AWESOME!" after he says it....while everyone around us stares, wondering if they've just heard a 14 month old shout profanity. Awesome.
Aiden will really only say the words of things that interest him or are of benefit to him. Car, ball, book, etc. In the afternoons he will repeat "shu" (shoe) and "uhtside" (outside) in escalating tones until he's actually standing outside. I am always saying "First you need your shoes and THEN you can go outside" so I'm eternally grateful he's now able to say these two words. It has cut down on the screaming by the front door. Oh! He's also learned to say "uh-oh" and "ow" (ouch) this week. I am working like CRAZY to have him say "uh-oh" instead of screaming and crying for whatever he dropped, shoved too far under the couch, got stuck or lost. It's helped. He's also learned that I tend to come quickly to investigate when he mutters the smallest "ow". I love that he's learned the word "hot". He's only said it a few times but my frantic "no, HOT!!!" as I pull things out of the oven is enough to stop him in his tracks. (How does a mom get anything done while ensuring her children reach adulthood with all fingers in place?)
"Cool" is by far the coolest word he says. Mostly because it's the one he's most spontaneous with. I open his closet and pull out a shirt. "Cuul". I put animal crackers in the grocery cart. "Cuul". I have my back turned for one second and he pulls a knife out of the dishwasher. "CUUL!!!" It always makes me laugh and he knows it. "Du-da" (dude) is the newest addition to the list. Like I said, we can't get Aiden to moo to save his life but let's hope his pediatrician finds awesome, cool and dude appropriate substitiutes for barn yard noises.
Here's a quick pic of the little man, distracted for a few nano seconds with some interesting things from the dishwasher: