Digital scrap items in the header, layouts and sidebar are by Miss Mint at or Jen Wilson at

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Signature Style?

I was telling Kelsey on the phone this morning that I wish my layouts had their own signature style. Like when people see one of my pages online or in a Gallery, I want them to somehow know it's one of mine. I don't know how to accomplish this, but I guess eventually a style will emerge. (For right now, I think people know it's my stuff because everything is smothered in stars! LOL!!)

Here is a layout I finished yesterday of Aiden's adorable cowboy picture:

I really am proud of myself on this one. Miss Mint doesn't have a specific cowboy kit so I had to hunt around for every single element and recolor them all to match. I used something like 11 different kits & sets to get all these pieces!

I'm sick this morning. I caught Aiden's cold. The only thing worse than being sick and miserable is also having a sick, miserable, teething baby! Ugh. And I have to go pack.....

I'll post more when I get back from my trip - I know I'll have a dozen new pages to scrap AND Miss Mint is due out with some new stuff this week! WHOO-HOO!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Crashes & Blow-Outs

Yesterday afternoon, during the thunderstorm, our power went out while the computer was still on. I actually had Photoshop open and was working on the corn maize layout when it shut off. When I turned it on after the storm, it was giving me an error message that the C drive wasn't formatted and it had lost a bunch of files. Important files, like ALL my digital scrap stuff and some of Aiden's baby pictures! I had to open the DOS prompt screen and run a check disk which took four hours to complete, ruining my evening of scrapping. I put Aiden in his exersaucer this morning so I could check the files on the computer and he had a total diaper blow out IN the exersaucer! Luckily everything is washable and the computer recovered the lost files, including the layout I finished:

This corn maize was fun! They're a great hike and Brian and I like to do them in the dark, when it's cooler and just a bit more quiet. (There aren't any small children crying because they think their family is lost!) Aiden slept like a log through the whole thing. Motion puts him to sleep and I think he really liked the soft fleece blanket we put in there for him to lean on.

It's much cooler outside today! Yeah! Hopefully the heat doesn't return until next May. (I can dream, right?) I'm going over to Becca's at 11:30 and then shopping later this afternoon. That should make for a great day!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Scrapping Away!

The pictures from the farm are great! I have the first of 3 layouts completed:

Nap times are entirely too short! I have been trying to do laundry, pull out items to pack for our trip, scrap and straighten up the house but Aiden won't stay asleep for more than 30 minutes at a time! At least he'll be well rested for this evening...

I'm excited about our trip to Oklahoma! Brian called his parents last night and they had some really fun ideas of things to do. Even better, the weather is going to be pleasantly gorgeous and I am having way too much fun deciding what hoodies and new long sleeve tops Aiden will wear first!

He's being good in the exersaucer so let me see if I can get started on the corn maze layout...

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Family Fun on the Farm!

Yesterday we went with several friends to Dewberry Farms out west of Katy. It was well worth the drive - there was tons to do! We got some great pictures and Aiden got to see lots of new farm things. Our group rented a fire pit for the evening, which was a blast itself! We roasted hot dogs and marshmallows over the campfire while the kids played on pic nic blankets. Then at dark we put Aiden in the Kelty pack so we could do a night-time run through the corn maze! Of course, a layout will be coming soon but here is my favorite picture from the day:

Aiden was so cute in his cowboy hat! I'm so glad we went (and that I "overpacked" because we used every bit of it!) We really had the best family outing since Aiden was born and can't wait to do it again next year!