Digital scrap items in the header, layouts and sidebar are by Miss Mint at or Jen Wilson at

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Halloween Party Pics!

We went to the Schmidgal's Halloween Party this evening and had a great time seeing friends and all the babies in costumes! Aiden was exhausted when we got home and went down like a lamb after his bath so I had time to get this finished:

This is only my second grunge-style layout and it's of our Halloween costumes this year. I'm planning on doing another more "cutesy" LO of all the babies in their costumes. (For family that wasn't at the party, Brian went as an electrocuted electrician with his hair spiked straight up, work boots on and a tool belt stuffed with wires! It was really quite funny!) Aiden was our little lost hiker. That's brown eye shadow "dirt" all over his face. :)

Brian went and watched the Aggie football game with some of the guys and just came home to change to go to a late movie with a group of other guys so I have the whole house - and computer - to my self for the ENTIRE NIGHT!!! Whoo-hoo! I'm going to be getting a lot of scrapping done! Check back tomorrow for more!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Sweet Love...

I am following my own request to Susie and adding my gallery links to the sidebar on my blog. (This is where you can go to view the pages I have done in one easy place. The Peppermint Creative gallery will always be the biggest.) I have about a thousand layouts to add to the other gallery sites before Miss Mint e-smacks me for not doing them sooner! I'll be doing a lot more mouse-clicking online today than I will scrapping. Thank goodness Aiden is asleep for the moment, I have to get caught up!

I had this picture printed yesterday and was *stunned* by how beautiful it came out. If Aiden is ever famous and they ask me for a baby picture, this is probably one that I would send:

How my little camera captured every blue fleck in his eyes, I will never know. This looks like something Kelsey's 8 thousand dollar camera could only take. I guess after 26 years of being so un-photogenic, I have earned getting a few great pics of SOMEONE!!!! LOL!!

Okay, back to catching up on the galleries....

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Hybrid Projects!

I have some blank areas of wall in my bathroom and closet and have been wanting to have signs made with my favorite funny quotes to hang in the empty spaces. After doing the signs in Aiden's room, I'm done with tracing and paint pens - I need something much faster! Miss Mint's stuff to the rescue! This is the first one that I made last night:

This was my favorite saying in high school and it still makes me laugh! Great bit of advice. When life seems to be going wrong, you can always do something to spin it in a positive direction.

Well lunch yesterday with the girls was a blast and then we headed to Kelsey's house for some afternoon fun. I'm really excited about Halloween! I need to upload some pictures to Sams and then go buy some candy for trick-or-treaters today before it gets too busy and I forget!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Blogmail: The act of using one's blog against them

Brian informed me last night that he reads my blog every day and, depending on how many layouts I posted and what the house looks like when he gets home, can determine if I "farted around on the computer all day" or not. I don't think this is very fair but he's not the first to blogmail, I'm sure.

Any ways, here is the page I made for the huge, double-dipped caramel apples I made yesterday. And Brian, I made the layout on Monday night and just put the picture in this morning!

The picture hardly does them justice. The apples are enormous and they have so much caramel on them that one whole bag only covered these two apples. (Aiden doesn't need one!) I've never made them before but they were pretty easy. The best tip I got was to put the apples in the freezer for about 15 minutes to make sure they were nice and cold. It kept the caramel on them instead of it all running off and pooling at the bottom. Not bad for my first try, if I may say so myself!

Well the Gator just woke up and I need to go get ready to meet the girls for lunch. I'll post more tomorrow! (Because I have to get something done before Brian gets home....)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Hurray for the Cold Front!

The cold weather this morning was great! We went for a nice walk. Unfortunately it turned warmer this afternoon and now I am sweating in my cute athletic pants...

We ran lots of errands between naps today and ended it all with a screaming fit in the grocery store checkout line. I completely understand why parents give in and buy the candy at the checkout for the tantrum-throwing toddler. If 99 cents could have hushed him up, I would have paid it!

He started the day off by being a stinker and only took a 25 minute nap this morning. It took me working over the course of 3 nap times to finish this layout:

Like I mentioned earlier, it wasn't the worst plane ride but he was still fairly loud. Now we have a whole page to commemorate it!

I have to hurry to the kitchen because I am making some yummy fall treats! I'll post more later!

Monday, October 22, 2007


We're back from Oklahoma with about a hundred pictures to sort through and scrap! We had a great trip and even got to have a date night out. You can't beat that!

I'm going to try to hold off on layouts because Miss Mint has some new stuff coming and I'll need fresh pictures to scrap so I think I'm going to save the pumpkin patch & farm photos for that. Here's one of my favorite candids from this weekend:

Aiden's first plane trip went better and worse than I thought. He didn't cry or fuss too much but he did squeal on the plane. LOUDLY. I was honestly surprised by how many people didn't seem to care and even more surprised by how many folks - men and women - paused to play with him. Babies are great ice breakers I guess.

Poor Brian, I think my breastfeeding in public makes him uncomfortable. I use a cover up and am careful not to come close to flashing boob but he doesn't understand why I wouldn't find a bathroom more comfortable. (No way I am going to nurse Aiden with nothing to sit on but a toilet!) I guess I have to say that I never thought I would be so unconcerned about nursing in front of a terminal full of people but yeah, it really didn't bother me. Funny how things change when your body isn't yours for over a year!!

I am really missing the weather in Oklahoma. It's like our Decembers. Crisp mornings, sunny, semi-warm days and evenings that cool off as soon as the sun is down. It was GORGEOUS weather! And torture to come home to eighty-something degrees but we brought a cold front with us. I'll enjoy it while it lasts!!