Digital scrap items in the header, layouts and sidebar are by Miss Mint at or Jen Wilson at

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Where do the days go?

Geez, I am getting bad about blog posting this week! Well, to catch you up on everything, this is week THREE of Aiden being sick. He's had back-to-back-to-back colds and seems to have yet another on top of his sinus infection, which he is still on antibiotics for. Sick kids are the WORST. He has been super clingy and fussy, which makes getting things done around the house impossible.

I haven't been scrapping much. I'm kind of waiting for new kits but really, I don't have anything terribly exciting to scrap. I do, however, have several projects around the house that are waiting on me so the break from Photoshop is needed!

For those of you that don't know, this weekend is Baby Daze. You can click on that purple link to read about it but let me give you the run down. It's like one huge garage sale of really GOOD baby stuff! Most of it is clothes and newborn necessities, like Boppy pillows, head supports, bath tubs, blankets & the like. I have gotten some awesome deals at BD, like Tommy jeans for $2 and Gymboree shirts in practically new condition for $4. This year I am shopping for some play clothes that Aiden can ruin while crawling around at the parks... If you're interested, I know a few of us that are going but you WILL need to bring your checkbook and an SUV! LOL! We'll see you out there! (If you want any of the big baby items, you'll need to shop on Friday night.)

Names With Faces: Okay, family, I am going to start putting some faces with names! These pictures are from Danielle's birthday dinner out. The first one is Dani, Kelsey and me. The next picture is Maren, Tara and Keri. This is only a fraction of our "group" but I'll try to get more pics on here!

1 comment:

susie said...

Girl's night out is always so fun!