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Monday, February 11, 2008

What a Weekend!

Sorry it's been forever since my last post. Time flies when you have company in town! Brian's parents came in town Thursday night and I spent most of Friday with MaryAnn. She came over with some FABULOUS old 1930's & 1940's photos of her mother that she had scanned. Some were in desperate need of photoshopping. One had been touched up with a photographer's paint some decades ago (used to be, this was all they could do) and the white paint had turned brown and the black paint had turned light gray. Other photos had terrible grains that needed to be removed and some just needed to be re-cropped. It truly was an exercise in my photo editing skills but we got them done and I must admit, the end result looked true-to-life and was a drastic improvement. (Some of the photos had the COOLEST tints. I was taking mental notes the whole time about how to get some of Aiden's pics to look that way!)

Of course Bob & MaryAnn enjoyed seeing Aiden. Bob had recently been to an energy company convention and had tons of giveaway toys for him to play with. I have a VERY busy son - you have no idea how much any new toy is appreciated! Bless his heart, that child can hardly hold still for a minute. It takes an army of playthings just to keep him occupied for the few moments I need to shower, put away laundry or go to the bathroom!

After the Silver's left, my sister and her new hubby stopped by to spend Saturday evening with us. We let Aiden stay up a little late to play and we ended up talking until 1 am before they hit the road to drive home to College Station. Brian and I were exhausted when we went to bed and none of us woke up the next morning until 10:30 - we had slept all the way through church! OOPS!!!

Brian and I had a lot of fun this weekend picking out and ordering our birthday gift to Aiden. There are a couple of boys Aiden's age that live on our street and I have a feeling we're going to be playing outside a lot this summer. He's getting some really cool outdoor toys and I can't WAIT for them to arrive!!! I think first birthdays are more fun for the parents & grandparents than they are for the kiddos! Still, I just can't believe my sweet little baby is going to be ONE! How is that possible? Too fast. I have GOT to get better about taking movies of him. We have gobs of pictures but not that many videos. I know I'll regret it later.

Okay, I have got to go get some errands run because my folks will be in town this week for my birthday and I need to have this stuff done. Oh, and then I'm going shopping for new clothes. Because I am significantly lighter than I was just a few weeks ago and I need smaller clothes!!!! WHOO-HOO!!!!! (But I'm still not telling how much I have lost until the diet is over.)

1 comment:

Isaac and Maren said...

Way to go on the diet! It is always so much fun to buy smaller clothes!