Digital scrap items in the header, layouts and sidebar are by Miss Mint at or Jen Wilson at

Friday, October 26, 2007

Sweet Love...

I am following my own request to Susie and adding my gallery links to the sidebar on my blog. (This is where you can go to view the pages I have done in one easy place. The Peppermint Creative gallery will always be the biggest.) I have about a thousand layouts to add to the other gallery sites before Miss Mint e-smacks me for not doing them sooner! I'll be doing a lot more mouse-clicking online today than I will scrapping. Thank goodness Aiden is asleep for the moment, I have to get caught up!

I had this picture printed yesterday and was *stunned* by how beautiful it came out. If Aiden is ever famous and they ask me for a baby picture, this is probably one that I would send:

How my little camera captured every blue fleck in his eyes, I will never know. This looks like something Kelsey's 8 thousand dollar camera could only take. I guess after 26 years of being so un-photogenic, I have earned getting a few great pics of SOMEONE!!!! LOL!!

Okay, back to catching up on the galleries....

1 comment:

Muggle Mom said...

that is a great picture of him. what a cutie!