Digital scrap items in the header, layouts and sidebar are by Miss Mint at or Jen Wilson at

Monday, October 29, 2007

Fun Stuff This Week

Things are getting busy around here! Between Halloween, lunch dates and new kits coming, I have lots of fun things to do! Not to mention that tile is going in next monday. :) I'm SO excited about my new floors but I'm going to miss the computer so I have been getting in as many LO's
as I can!

All the photos are from our trip to Oklahoma. Aiden's 7 month page was my very first grunge layout and I LOVE how it turned out! That style looks so good on boy pages. I'm going to have to do more like that sometime soon and it sounds like I'll get my chance - Miss Mint said her next papers are good & grungy!

My mom called this morning and said my Christmas present is shipping to me early. I'm so excited! I'm getting an external hard drive so I can fit even more Peppermint Creative stuff on my computer! I have filled this one up in the span of about 8 weeks. It's limping along at an old man's pace and is in serious need of a "transplant". Plus, having a full computer back-up that can be grabbed in an instant during a tornado or hurricane evacuation puts my mind at ease. (Nevermind that all the website master files for both my .com and my dad's are also on this machine...) It will be nice to have everything backed up and tons of room to add more.

Well I'm off to make a big list of things I need to do before tile goes in. Has anyone done floors recently? I remember when I worked at Flooring America that the demo dust was ridiculous. It was all over the showroom whenever we changed the floors and customers who hadn't been warned called in complaining all the time. I've got the pledge disposable dusters on my shopping list because I know the blinds are going to need a swipe when it's all over...any other tips you gals have?

1 comment:

susie said...

CUTE pages!!! They turned out great! Can't wait to see Miss Mint's next kit! Yea for your external hard drive. That will be so nice!