Digital scrap items in the header, layouts and sidebar are by Miss Mint at or Jen Wilson at

Saturday, November 8, 2008


I'm stealing that phrase from my friend Michelle because it is SO fitting of me! My local friends think I am way too busy and haven't been around enough but I have hardly talked to my brother's wife - the only SIL on my side, who I positively ADORE - and the rest of my darling SIL's all year. Shame on me. And Brian's side of the family would laugh all too knowingly at my post title, everyone's eyes sparkling with true humor, recalling nearly a decade (yeah guys, as of this month it has been nine years!) of my always-unexpected antics. (Who remembers....well, like EVERY holiday I've been home for....) While Brian hasn't managed to install a filter between my brain and my mouth, his meaningful, frightened warning glances at the last second tend to keep me in check when we visit. I'm always more relaxed in the company of my brother-in-laws (my fellow out-laws?) who never seem quite as startled by the things that tumble out of my mouth...or that they were yet again killed by one of my snipes or sticky grenades as 'Hot Mama' flashes across their Halo board screen. (Except for Jeremy. Grifo kicks my trash.)

The point of my post is that I attempted to be less of a slacker and update my blog link list, only to find I don't have all the (forty thousand) family blog addresses! A bunch of friends have been added and organized in my own what-the-heck order but I need the extended family blogs. And to be taken off the 'blocked' list please. ;) SOL indeed. ROFL!

P.S. I'm really excited about seeing everyone at Thanksgiving! This year I might be outdone by the antics of my cute and hilariously stubborn, clumsy, pirate hat-wearing, iPod-blaring 19 month old. At least I won't be the only one always falling down the stairs...


larshannon said...

I barely even remember you falling down the stairs. I did too if you remember!

Miss(Michelle) said...

Glad you like the "out-law" title..My inlaws don't seem to think it is so funny. But hey it was said by a kid and has stuck for the last 10 years.
Glad you found my blog. You are way to many things you can do. I just got into digiscrapping so I am tyring my hand at our Christmas card. It has been on my brain for the last few I think of what do I want all 6 of us to wear..where to take it..etc.
Send me your address and I can mail you a card so you can laugh at my ametuer level.
PS. SO happy you passed our blog onto Dan. He found us. It made my day.
Hugs to you.