Digital scrap items in the header, layouts and sidebar are by Miss Mint at or Jen Wilson at

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Talented Friends

Okay, if you think I make cute things, check out my friend (and fellow CT) Megan's blog header - it is soooooo fun and eye catching!

A Little Bit Scrappy

It uses Miss Mint's Patchwork Princess papers & elements and the new Mini Bulldog Clips I haven't played around with yet. (Shame on me!) I'm feeling a scraplift (bloglift?) coming on!!!! Megan, I love it. It's adorable! All of it!

Okay, as if she wasn't creative enough, she blew me out of the water with this precious halloween haunted house hybrid: (say that 3 times fast!)

Megan's Haunted House

Pick me up off the floor! This is too stinkin' cute! I simply MUST make one!!!

I love my fellow hybriders! :D


Megan Turnidge said...

Awwww! Thanks Tay! You are too sweet!!! You totally made my day!!! :)

amanda said...

wish I was as talented as you! I'm scared to cut paper for Saturday w/o messing it up! Ya'll rock!!!

Tay said...

Hey Megan - see the new blog header? Thanks for the inspiration!!!