Digital scrap items in the header, layouts and sidebar are by Miss Mint at or Jen Wilson at

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Embellishment Swap & Peppermint Goodies

The mint CT is having an embellishment swap and I am sooooo excited about it! An embellishment swap is where you clean out your stash of scrap supplies and send all your duplicate, unused or extra goodies to a friend and they do the same for you, doubling the amount of 'random' embellishments you have to choose from when crafting - or in our case, hybriding.

This is just a pinch (literally, not even a fourth) of what I am sending to my friend Megan. The picture shows a few of the bright holiday items in her mix:

I can't wait to see what she does with it! I'll try to remember to post a picture of all the embellies I recieve once they arrive.

Back to my new love of scrap supply pictures. None of my friends have probably seen how crisp & realistic Miss Mint's supplies look printed:

Some scrappers buy digi supplies so they can print their own supplies for a fraction of the cost of buying them packaged in stores. I have mine printed at a photo lab on matte paper but you can also print on cardstock at home if you want that traditional 'chipboard' look. When everything is cut out and piled all together, it makes it difficult to tell what paper pieces are digi and what is store-bought!


Megan Turnidge said...

Tay, the goodies look so YUMMY! ;) I'll have to photograph your stuff in the morning. lol

And I'm excited to see what you're doing with the Halloween stuff! I am finishing up a project tomorrow morning w/ Witches Brew that's going into Bella Scraps Mag. Man, Halloween is so fun! So many great ideas for decorations and party stuff! :)

Isaac and Maren said...

An embellishment swap is such a good idea! It beats the cheesy Relief Society recipe swaps!