Digital scrap items in the header, layouts and sidebar are by Miss Mint at or Jen Wilson at

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Tay Time

So what's a girl to do when her man is away on a backpacking adventure? Everything. Today has been delightful. I adore exciting randomness. Roughhousing before breakfast, hunting down new music artists while I work out at the gym, drawing pink cupcakes & grungy rockstar graphics at the same time, making double-stacked sandwiches for dinner, splash fights at bath time and listening to Counting Crows while reading A Perfect Mess. It's been a good day!


Kelsey said...

I am glad you are staying positive about it. At least you get your TRIP (all 48 hours of it) next week! I am so excited for you!

larshannon said...

So are you surviving then? I told the kids today that they better shape up or I'd call their Dad...they didn't know there is now way in Hades he would answer, so it still did the trick.

emblair said...

Just curious how you work out and draw graphics at the same ARE talened!