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Monday, November 10, 2008


Ask for the impossible and you just might get it! I knew what I wanted. I knew exactly what I wanted. Bright, cheerful, vibrant & playful with artistic angles, candid shots, a handsome photo of Brian by himself smiling (good luck) and a couple family shots for christmas cards. I wanted the impossible. The photos we recieved stunned us both, me gasping in delight at every single one while Brian looked over my shoulder, grinning widely in awe:

Sorry, no sneak peeks of Aiden's best shots! I want to be there when our moms first see the prints to hear their gasps and see the look on their faces. Can you tell we had fun at this shoot? Saturday morning was gorgeous, everyone was in a great mood and it shows. Now I have to pick which ones I want to print and buy a slew of new frames because I simply can't part with the pictures we took three months ago, either!
Kelsey, thank you. That word isn't even enough. Thank you for giving me everything I wanted and more. You captured the playfulness of our family perfectly and the candids of Aiden take my breath away. Had I known this is what was going to be on the disk, I would have tipped you another hundred. Seriously.


emblair said...

Simply Stunning. Your family is so gorgeous!!!

Western Family said...

Oh Tay,
Love the pictures. Thanks for letting us see a sneak peak. I have no clue how you did not look at them while you were at Tanner's party. I do not think I would have been able to hold the cd and not want to see them. Love the colors. Great job Kelsey

Deanna said...

Great pics! Now if we could only see your cute little family in person...someday.

larshannon said...

Great picture Brian. I love the family one and Tay, you shouldn't tease about Aiden. Now I'm on pins and needles. Oh, and I'm surprised everyone was in a good mood. I thought it was a Silver family tradition to have major fights/chaos/disaster before any picture. Dang. How did you break the spell. I need info.

Aartee said...

great pics! I posted a cute stocking stuffer idea for little ones today...check it out if you get the chance!

Brit said...

How darling! What a perfect day for pictures and it looks like Aiden cooperated. What a cute smile:)

Jennifer Gilmore said...

Cute family! You are so sweet to offer to tip Kels! You were so nice and I loved getting to meet you too!

Kelsey said...

I cant get enough of how great your colors were. Your canvas is going to be STUNNNING! Great coordinating you fashionista!