Digital scrap items in the header, layouts and sidebar are by Miss Mint at or Jen Wilson at

Sunday, December 23, 2007


We're still in Oklahoma but I logged in to the team forum just to see what the Chicks were up to and found a sale post from Miss Mint: 40& 50% OFF SALE DEC 26 & 27!

She's never done 50% off! She's startng a new Clearance category on the 26th, where she will put products that she's about to retire. Everything else in the shop will be 40% off.

Stock up now because new stuff is coming in January and I can promise there won't be another sale this big!

Even better, the Clearance section is going to have some items mot of you have never seen before. Here's a sneak peek on her blog of clearance items:

Thought you would all enjoy knowing! Now, back to the holidays!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.