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Saturday, June 28, 2008

This Month's Best Purchase

I am learning to get along with my vinyl cutter but it's not this month's best purchase. That honor goes to the black Sharpie mini I picked up at Office Depot. I keep it in a pocket of my purse (not on my keys, Aiden plays with them too much) and I can't believe how many times I have reached for it. I have quickly labeled Aiden's toys, sunblock spray cans, the bottoms of sippy cups and a number of other items in the three short weeks I've had it. Seriously, it's the best 99¢ I have spent in a long time! I wish I could have bought one sooner. (I would have, but everyone has been sold out of the black ones. Office Depot was the first place I'd seen them in nearly 6 months.) This and the Benadryl Stick are my two mommy must-haves!

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