Digital scrap items in the header, layouts and sidebar are by Miss Mint at or Jen Wilson at

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Miss Mint surprised us all when she gave us 22 brand new products to scrap with and said she was STILL designing! The new products will be available late this afternoon when the 30% off sale starts. Here are the projects and layouts I did with just a few of the new things:

Major's basket has a tag, too! It looked too bare sitting above the snack basket.

A fun pirate sign for Aiden's room. Sure, it doesn't match the rest of the surf stuff but I thought it looked cool!

My first layout in a month! I've been doing nothing but hybrids so this one was really easy to complete! Journaling reads: "When you look at the world I hope you see what others cannot. Optimism is far better than reality." Kelsey took that picture of him, looking out over the field of bluebonnets. I love it!

So gals, I hope you saved your pennies because there are some AWESOME new things coming, including a trendy pink, lime green & purple kit! See the gallery for more sneak peeks!

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