Digital scrap items in the header, layouts and sidebar are by Miss Mint at or Jen Wilson at

Monday, April 7, 2008

Eye Candy

More hybrids! And let me tell you, they're addicting! These four I finished on Friday and posted over the weekend: (click for credits)

This one will go above the dress up trunk in Aiden's playroom. He has some pretty cool pirate and cowboy dress ups already! Now if only he would keep hats on his head....

Just a cute, quick label for my little glass jar! I used mini glue dots to adhere the label to the glass and it has held well but is completely removeable if I need to re-label. Love those glue dots!

Okay, I thought for sure I was going to get laughed out of the gallery with these scrapped clothespins! (You'll see why else I need them soon...) I use clothespins a lot so I figured some that matched the house would be cute. They've kind of been a hit with everyone and they are SO EASY to make!

A cute, quick label so I can tell which hot pink bin has my craft supplies!

You can see the work of the entire team in the hybrid project gallery at Peppermint Creative.

This Weekend: Brian got a TON of work done in the playroom/bead room on Saturday! We had an arrangement where I would take Aiden and leave the house while he was awake so Brian could work distraction-free. When Aiden needed to nap, I brought him home and I took a break while Brian did the quieter project work so Aiden could sleep. (ie: no pneumatic nailing in the house) It worked out well! I hit a couple of stores for hybrid supplies and ran a few other errands. Brian was a total stud and not only pimped out the closet that is now my bead "room" but he also helped me by cutting and drilling several hyrbid items. He even made a custom frame for a little project going in Aiden's room. What a handy guy!

For the Grandmas: Aiden is growing up too fast and doing new things every day. His vocabulary is amazing. Out of nowhere he'll suddenly say a word and it is so much fun to hear him talk! He'll randomly label colors (mostly blue & green), shout for books and balls and is finally saying "dink" more often when he's thirsty, as opposed to screaming. The newest word this weekend was "kacker" (cracker). He said it several times Friday & Saturday morning and stopped traffic at the grocery store when we cruised past the teddy grahams on the cracker aisle. (Thank goodness Aiden can point because you don't know confusion until your one year-old is screaming "KACKER!" at the top of his lungs on a crowded store aisle while eighty some-odd varieties of said crackers line your field of vision for twenty feet in each direction.) How freaky is this? He recognized the product packaging from six feet away and was insistent about his craving for teddy grahams. I let him hold the box while we finished shopping and by the time we got to the checkout lane, it was so chewed up and mangled it could hardly stand on it's own and dropped flat on it's face as soon as the conveyor belt ended at the scanner, like a triathalon competitor on his last leg who is just greatful to cross the finish line. I think Aiden has a bright future as a USPS package handler. (I'm pretty sure whoever sorts our mail must be teething, too.)

My to-do list is long today and I'm picking up prints for 6 more projects. I'll post them here when I'm done!


larshannon said...

Cute stuff Tay! It sounds like Aiden is quite the fun baby. I wonder if he could teach Amy how to speak a few words...or at least get the other kids quiet enough to let Amy get a word in edgewise!

joscelyne cutchens said...

super cute stuff! :)